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College Tuition Is Becoming Cheaper For Mexican Students

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College tuition in California is going down for the benefit of Mexican students.
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Any college around California is going to be more accessible than ever for Mexican students. This is all to benefit the likely difficulty the Mexican Californians may have when it comes to crossing over the border to start a new life in the United States. You can thank Assemblyman David Alvarez, the Republican representative of San Diego, for the progress here, as indicated in Assembly Bill 91. All while there’s an introduction of a five-year pilot program that will let students from Mexico the chance to pay in-state tuition through any of the seven community Colleges throughout San Diego and even the Imperial Valley Counties.

For proper eligibility, Students are however in need of living about 45 miles near the California border. Within the year of 2023, the usual California Community College Tuition would measure up to about $1,246 per year, regarding in-state students and $6,603 for out-of-state students. The bill is proper acknowledgment of how there’s a student population that could be very fickle at times, even on a regular basis. Granted, working under the bill shows how every campus could very well be hit at a limit of 200 participants. Students, therefore, would have to exist as a Mexican citizens with a visa. Beyond 100,000, equating to about 7,000 students is the quantity that cross over the San Diego-Tijuana border on a daily basis.

Assembly Bill 91 is likely to end on January 1st, 2029, but there’s a likelihood that the success that would come from it would turn into a permanent circumstance for AB 91.

The bill happens to be well-modeled after an agreement from the Lake Tahoe Community College District. This one tends to regard students who are living nearby the Nevada border. All the public universities around Texas had been using similar programs for low-income students all around Mexico. Of course, the bill tends to raise eyebrows of legislators. Yet, with the hopes of developing a stronger workforce, via legal immigration, there’s hopes that the $22.5 billion budget deficit and taxpayer-funded program can thrive for the sake of AB 91.

There’s hopes that the bill won’t quite pull away the funds for the rest of the community college system as there’s plenty more to be done to encourage students that need to build such a career after graduating. As it turns out, AB 91 is also a new addition while the California community colleges keep having to undergo the throes of declining enrollment. Because of this data, it looks like it’s dropped to the lowest point in over 30 years. Whether or not the bill has a monumental impact on enrollment is yet to be seen.

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